As parents and carers, it is our duty to ensure the safety of all children, using road safety as a life skill.
It is not possible for Kent Count Council to deliver practical pedestrian sessions in person to each and every child in the county, but with the below videos and resources, we can help everyone to become a safer pedestrian in a fun and safe way.
In the below videos and information sheets, you can find all the details you need to help you to teach your children key pedestrian road safety skills.
The Basics
Just like us grown-ups learning to drive a car, children need good pedestrian experiences, where they can gain real world experiences with traffic environments. Children are vulnerable road users who need close parental guidance dealing with traffic environments.
Here are some key things to remember:
As a parent/carer, you have a key role in educating your child about the importance of road safety. Children learn by doing and benefit from real world experiences. You have the perfect opportunity to educate your child whilst making your journeys as pedestrians, use this time to discuss road safety as part of your journey and why your choices are important. These experiences are the building blocks to helping your child understand road safety and how it helps to keep them safe.
It is important to teach children the Road Safety/Green Cross Code, you can find information on what we teach children in Road Safety Club here.